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Montréal-based writer, historian, and wine professional Mitchell Walker Simon presents his first poetic work for BESOS: reading Lolita backwards in a mirror. Following William Burroughs' and Kathy Acker's découpé method, Mitchell integrates his influences and persona with a revisitation of Nabokov’s Lolita, condensing 100 pages of prose into a violent, homoerotic lyric.

reading Lolita backwards in a mirror

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Arma virumque canō :

the blood still throbs in my writing hand

it has bits of marrow sticking to it

and beautiful bright-green flies

I feel my slippery self eluding me

the music drowning the rest

the men away ... the melody of children at play

sounds rising like vapours from a small mining town

I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing

was not his absence from my side

but the absence of his voice from that concord


This then is my story

the ingenious play staged for me

began with the crack of a bat

an almost articulate sport

in a sluggish, heavenlogged system

of vivid laughter from my foul mouth —

nothing could be nearer

the tactile sense becomes at critical moments

our main handle to reality


I was injecting spurts of energy into the poor fellow

as if the bullets had been capsules

wherein a heady elixir danced

double, triple kangaroo jump

still singing those impossible sonorities

plangent chords churn in : G3 F2 C


“never use herculanita (i.e. heroin) with rum”

he pleads, he bleats, he bleeds.

I bandaged him up with a rag

like a maimed spare limb


I can arrange for you to attend executions

(not many know that the chair is yellow)

are you curious ?

I have an absolutely unique collection of erotica

plotted with love under pleasant skies

I have not much in the bank right now

but I plan to borrow

all the royalties from my upcoming play

I suggest you move in

as a house pet

as a young lad with three testes

I have to nurse my impotence

from your inner essential innocence


offer me gratis gloam moulting moist

silent soft formless tussles 

 ox-stunning fisticuffs or goatish tender

hopping off the flying furniture


I am practically impotent, I’ll give you a splendid vacation

recall Kipling ?

une femme est une femme

mais un Caporal est une cigarette.

Now we need matches


stiff in the barroomette

my smudgy moustache twitched

lucidly insane, crazily calm

thin in a purple bath robe

incanting some selenian glow on a penele cigar

like a familiar and innocuous hallucination

up bum’s bloodshot eyes

no piano had plunged and plashed

like polka-dotted pinafores

or scintillas of diamond water

between the pines and cedars

of the ancestral home at 34 Grimm Road


Manchester revisited :

in an American suburban street a lone pedestrian

is more conspicuous than a lone motorist

and even the most miserable of family lives

was better than the parody of incest

which, in the long run, was the best I could offer the waif,

hung in his own remote flowered void


this scholastic rigmarole

like an iceberg in paradise

glistening in the neon light

recalls a pentapod monster —

my male vulnerability in trite brashness

not a boy friend

not a glamour man

not a pal

not even a person at all

but just two eyes and a foot of engorged brawn


foul lust provided me

fabulous, insane exertions that left me limp

a lithophanic eternity of genuflexion

an agenouillement for sweet mellow rotting Europe

my automaton knees going up and down

retreating in a mincing dance


glowing net rent on my damp retina :

“no, honey, no.”

I simply did not know a thing about my darling’s mind

I handed him an envelope with four hundred dollars

in cash and a check for three thousand

six hundred more

life is very short

but I have to say it

may be neither here nor there

voulez-vous venir avec moi ?

I mutely asked his blessing

in a world of total evil

we would become strangely embarrassing

smothered over unfolding memories

by the depths of calculated carnality

the existence of a Supreme Being

I had hoped to deduce from my sense of sin


He is as good as destroyed

let me dally a little :

The moral sense in mortals is the duty

We have to pay on mortal sense of beauty

a lovely young velvety delicate delta tainted and torn

on the brink of a russet ravine is revealed

by faint violet whiff and dead leaf echo

just as 2020 A.D. sings of folly and fate

an insouciance to souffler


Sade’s Joseph is all drink and drugs

smoking himself sure —

a fragment of cigarette paper on his underlip

guessing much and shaving little off

disdainful of hearing aids

as mauve almond trees bloom


I had an idle urge to squeeze out the blackheads

on the wings of his perspiring nose

with my long agate claws

like a bit of dry mud caking

waterproof like Botticelli’s russet Venus

cur, a mongrel curse

fragile, frileux, father me

in velvet and beige, maybe like a viscount

an aphonic whistle

from several smoking stacks leech

red mud and grey drizzle dribble

a wormy vegetable garden

dismal district all dump and ditch


 the taste of coarse corruption.

I have camouflaged everything, my love

everything dapper and bilious and execrable :

“why blue when it is white, why blue for heaven’s sake?”

why would a hunter need a pointer

more than a pew?


Mnemosyne, most mischievous of muses

the mother : purloined, amnesic, worthless

watches candy-striped drawers accept

languorous columbine kisses

from a mulberry mouth


my heart is a hysterical, unreliable organ pulsating

stark stiff lurid rhymes of a maniac masterpiece portending

possibilities of bliss with a little maid-men’s

shocking cure of pederosis

perdu in a Quebec sanatorium retching

the repulsive gagoon and his wife, a kiddoid gnomide

picker of cuticles at the office party

a cubicle of ads and fads, plenty of pleats

my frenetic lips vivisecting parties

flesh ajar like the rubber valve of a soccer ball’s bladder

upon a settee whipping wind might call :

“Dolorès Disparue”


an ex-pugilist recapitulating

especially painful palpitations

from recondite Phineas Quimby, Lebanon, NH

in the slanted handwriting of a frail frame fountain pen

a repressed undinist in talcum light

versed in logomancy and logodaedaly

swaying and staggered, speaking of

betrayal fury desolation horror and hate :

“he is your brother”


this Guartiano Forbeson seems to waver

insulting verisimilitudinous pseudonyms

masking the frenzy of my grief with a trembling ingratiating smile

free to trace the fugitive, free to destroy my brother

freedom for the moment is everything.

who is neurotic ? I ask



the gin kept my heart alive but bemazed my brain

after some lapses and losses I found him

probably Polynesian, a painted cretonne chair

upon which an exquisitely folded tartan lap robe

lay like La gitanilla, humping

so rosy and exemplary, our fundament jigging

sparrow’s sperm or dugong’s dung

as millers around the neon contour of “No Vacancy”

criss cross in drowsy rectangular shadows

despite liberal libations or intercrural ague of the ancients

lightheaded with a casual chuckle


his brown rose tasted of blood

which at least made sense

I had it in a jotter : “Joe, il est ill”

he drank beer with milk to counteract his “sprees”

tottering and grunting, shamming to evade my caresses.

A change of environment is the traditional fallacy

upon which doomed loves and lungs rely —

Why did I hope we would be happy abroad?

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